A Different Take On Professional Development

Tabor Ascend PD Workshops are different because they have been developed with flexible attendance options to allow you to decide what YOU want out of your PD. Whether you are simply looking for quality Professional Development; seeking ways to develop your CV; or desire to work towards your Masters Degree, we have options to suit you. Attendees can attend workshops for the purposes of:



  • Workshop topics are selected based on community feedback to ensure real-world application.
  • Designed to support the ongoing growth and development of those involved in education, counselling, chaplaincy, youth work, ministry, leadership, community services and the not-for-profit sector.
  • Centres on the provision of relevant, meaningful and practical PD.


Friday, 17th May, 9am - 5pm  |  Means of Grace: Flourishing with Spiritual Disciplines

Friday, 7th June, 9am - 5pm  |  Deep Teaching & Curriculum in Christian Education (Education Specific)

Friday, 2nd & 23rd August, 9am - 5pm | Foundational Certificate in Leadership

Saturday, 26th October, 9am - 5pm  |  Nurturing Wisdom: Attending to the ‘Still, Small Voice’ (A Spiritual Retreat Day)

Tuesday 5th & 12th November, 5:30pm - 8:30pm |  Wellbeing Blueprint: Strategies for Balancing Work, Life & Relationships




Means of Grace: Flourishing with Spiritual Disciplines

Friday, 17th May, 9am - 5pm

Recently the idea of “Spiritual Disciplines” has become more popular within Christian circles, referring to activities like regular prayer, bible reading, fasting and retreats. However, the actual practice of such disciplines can still prove incredibly difficult in our culture where convenience and instant gratification are the norm.

This workshop explores a different approach to Spiritual Disciplines, treating them as “Means of Grace;” that is, they are God’s grace which He offers us, but also “means,” or practices through which we might be led into His presence to flourish. Join us to delve deeper into this alternative perspective and learn practical strategies for integrating such ‘Means of Grace’ into everyday life.

(Dr Matthew James Gray)

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Deep Teaching & Curriculum in Christian Education

(Education Specific)

Friday, 7th June, 9am - 5pm

Equipping learners to understand and embrace a biblically based Christian worldview enables hope and transformation.

The impact of a teacher is crucial to all aspects of learner development. So, a key question in this workshop is ‘How should faith inform pedagogy?’

Robust understandings and commitment to worldview is inspired by the depth and courage of curriculum and teaching. So, this session will engage teachers in reflective planning of curriculum frameworks and teaching methods that are authentic to them and which can engage students in deep learning.

(Dr Tracey Price and Dr Victoria Warren)

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LeadeRShip (5)

Foundational Certificate in Leadership

Day 1 - The Real Essence of Leadership

 Friday, 2nd August, 9am - 5pm
  • Through interactive discussions, emerging leaders will explore crucial questions such as “What truly defines leadership?” and “Are leaders born or made?”
  • Unpack the subtle differences between leading and managing, and explore the significance of both self-awareness and emotional intelligence for effective leadership.
  • Unravel how character shapes and informs leadership and the way that values, like authenticity and vulnerability, can serve to either enhance or erode one’s influence and impact.

Day 2 - Practical Applications of Leadership

Friday 23rd August, 9am - 5pm
  • Building upon Day 1, Day 2 dives into understanding human behaviour, motivation & basic human needs in order to also understand how to get the best out of others.
  • Attendees will gain insights into the critical skills required for effective leadership including time management, organisation, conflict management and dealing with difficult people.
  • Beyond theory, this workshop serves to equip attendees with practical strategies for real-world impactful leadership that can effect meaningful change in the world.

(Dr Darryl Cross)

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Nurturing Wisdom: Attending to the 'Still, Small Voice' (A Spiritual Retreat Day)

Saturday, 26th October, 9am - 5pm

Do you know what it is like to receive a flash of insight, a sense of wisdom and assurance that seems to emerge from a deeper space than your normal busy brain and anxious thoughts? This is what the ancients refer to as the ‘still, small voice’.

Through four simple guided exercises, this spiritual retreat day offers you the opportunity to attend to your inner wisdom, the eloquence of the Spirit, through the contemplation of 4 key sources of wisdom: life symbols, nature, scripture and everyday graces.

(Dr Phil Daughtry)

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Wellbeing Blueprint: Strategies for Balancing Work, Life & Relationships

Tuesday 5th & 12th November, 5:30pm - 8:30pm

In our increasingly complex and fast-paced world, juggling a multitude of responsibilities across various domains of life can feel overwhelming. Many of us find ourselves asking the question, is it even possible to find a healthy balance between managing our work, relationships and our own needs? Or does one or more of these areas always need to suffer?

Through this workshop, we will explore insights and tools to help you navigate these challenges more effectively while also prioritizing your holistic well-being. Join us as we uncover practical strategies for cultivating resilience, fostering healthy relationships, and creating harmony between the demands of work, relationships, and self to achieve a greater sense of balance in life.

(Olivia Kearney)

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  • Free onsite parking is available (please note, entry to Orphanage carpark is accessible via Mitchell Street)
  • Bring a group of 5 or more to receive $50 off the ticket price


Tabor Ascend 2024