We are excited to have you join us at the Millswood Campus on the 28th of August for Tabor Advance 2021.
Tabor Advance has been developed as a reflection of Tabor’s commitment to the ongoing growth and development of those serving within the community professions. This Professional Development Day seeks to equip and encourage teachers, ministry workers and other not-for profit staff through the delivery of relevant, informative and engaging professional development sessions.
The program covers a vast array of topics which have been thoughtfully developed through community consultation to ensure real world application. More specifically, the morning will include 12 different professional development sessions from which attendees will be able to select four of greatest interest to them.
As our gift to you, the day is offered free of charge and attendees will receive a professional learning certificate for sessions attended.
Register now with the short form >
Session Topics
Topic |
Brief description |
Helping People See God at Work How to turn the daily grind into a living expression of your spirituality and ministry. Dr Matthew James Gray |
After the resurrection, Jesus said, "Surely I am with you, even to the ends of the earth." (Matthew 28:20) Yet often we can live as if His presence cuts out when we walk into our workplace! Churches, too, often struggle to know how to even acknowledge congregants' work, let alone know how to effectively equip them to see God at work in their work. Matt will take you through some practices that will give you a better eye to see God's presence, turning the daily grind into a living expression of your spirituality and ministry. |
Christianity - Does it Make Sense and Why do I Care? What do we do when we have to face people's apathy? Dr Matthew James Gray |
Sometimes the biggest challenge Christians face among people is antagonism. For all its challenges, at least that can produce lively conversation. But what do we do when we have to face people's apathy? When they can't be bothered talking about Christianity, let alone choosing to become Christian at all? We want them to "lean in", to show them how Jesus makes sense of this world, their world. Sometimes, for sure, "The Kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field" (Matthew 13:44), and it takes effort to dig for its riches ... but we know the treasure is worth it. Matt will help you encourage people to want to dig deeper into the Christian faith. |
Caught Between Two Worlds Coming Alongside Diaspora Youth Dr David Turnbull |
First and second generation youth from heritage cultures beyond Australia are caught between two worlds, home and society. The resultant third space is a challenging location to traverse, especially concerning the cultural challenges. This seminar aims to explore these challenges, their impact and suggest a way forward through culturally intelligent engagement and practices. |
The Person Next to You Learning how to enrich relational encounters with those around us. Dr Bruce Hulme |
“Simon, do you see this woman?” (Lk 7:44). Jesus’ words to Simon the Pharisee) are incisive. Of course he sees her—she's right there in the room! But he doesn’t see her—the person. This session considers the ways in which we see and interact with others around us in our day to day lives. In a society where the values of individualism and the bottom dollar mean people are often viewed as an ‘It’, we will explore the invitation to look through the eyes of God and see others as a person—an infinitely valuable and unique ‘You’. |
What is Differentiation? How can it be used effectively for learning? Dr Victoria Warren |
Includes a ‘differentiation mindset’ and framework for implementing differentiation, as well as ideas and approaches for all year levels. |
Creative Thinking What is creativity? How can I think more creatively? Kate Osborne |
This session will explore practical divergent thinking strategies that can be used to enhance one’s creativity (in work, study or life in general!) |
Literacy Learning Practical strategies for engaging primary students. Robyn Dunbar |
Practical ideas for active, multisensory learning in literacy that is fun for the students and also helps them learn and retain knowledge and understanding. |
When the Mountains Won’t Move How to be a people helper… Sam Smith |
This workshop explores some of the more pressing and frustrating issues that people helpers face – how to be of help when things don’t seem to be shifting. At the core of these musings is the question – what do people actually need, and how can I do that to the best of my ability? |
Self-care Strategies Managing vicarious trauma in people-helping roles Noni Potter |
This workshop explores the phenomenon of vicarious trauma, a common experience of those on the frontlines of supporting the wellbeing of students, clients and others. What is vicarious trauma? How does it affect our wellbeing? And most importantly what can we do to manage its effects and to ensure a sustainable practice? |
Nurturing Hope, the Pillar of Wellbeing How do we invite this sacred gift to bless and transform into our day-to-day living? Brian Gabriels |
Hope is a life-giving force, a central pillar of wellbeing from beginning to end in Scripture. And, outside the scope of the Bible, we see its potency played out in recent history too. The phenomenon of heart transformation in seasons of difficulty and despair. If this experience of hope is possible and powerful, how do we invite this sacred gift to bless and transform our day-to-day living? |
Spiritual Conversation in a Secular Society How do we open up spaces for spiritual conversation in a secular culture without coming across as religious or exclusive? Dr Phil Daughtry |
How do we open up spaces for spiritual conversation in a secular culture without coming across as religious or exclusive? How do we open these conversations between and within ourselves? This conversational workshop proposes a simple approach that allows for the conversation to begin with experience rather than doctrine, poetry rather than theological prose, and considers the deeper phenomenon and possibility of a non-verbal communication, or ministry of presence. |
Leadership Flourishing A multiplier equation – doing the maths. Dr Johan Roux |
Flourishing leaders flourish others. Simple. Profound. Much needed on both counts. But how does it work? What’s involved in this flourishing? How can I increase flourishing in and through my life to the benefit of all? This address aims to take attendees on a journey of increased flourishing, efficacy and impact for the sake of God’s Kingdom. |